vision between music and lifestyle

6 legs spider

spider with 6 legs, originally uploaded by gu@n.

Spiders are invertebrates, which means they don't have backbones. These small creatures help plants reproduce by pollinating them. They also help recycle dead trees and animals back into the earth. They are also a vital source of food for birds, fish, and small mammals. Without invertebrates, like spiders and insects, many other living things would not survive.

Spiders are not insects. Insects have three body parts and six legs.

Spiders have eight legs and two body parts, the abdomen and the thorax.

Spiders have silk spinning glands called spinnerets, at the tip of their abdomen.

Not all spiders spin webs. Spiders belong to the Arachnid family.

There are more than 30,000 species of spiders.

Spiders are oviparous, which means their babies come from eggs.

Most spiders have either six or eight eyes.

Most spiders have fangs, through which venom is ejected.

Opiliones are commonly called shepherd spiders, harvest spiders or harvestmen.

The term harvestmen or harvest spiders was a result of them being seen only during harvesting time. They are also referred to as daddy long legs but should not be confused with similarly named spiders, the Pholcidae.

Opiliones are not spiders and have no spinning organs, fangs or venom glands and are harmless to man.

Spider bites can be quite painful, and a select few can be fatal.

Fear of spiders is called Arachnophobia. It is one of the most common fears among humans.

Tarantulas shed their furry skin as they grow, leaving behind what looks just like another tarantula.

Spiders eat many types of harmful insects, helping to keep your garden free of pests.

Spiders are creatures that have 8 legs, have no wings or antennae. They have 2 distinct body parts called the thorax or head and the abdomen. Spiders have an exoskeleton, meaning that their skeleton is on the outside.

Spiders have as many as 8 eyes, but some spiders have only 6 eyes and several spiders have fewer or even none. All spiders have fangs through which venom is ejected. The tip of the abdomen has silk spinning glands called spinnerets by which a spider can spin a web. However, not all spiders spin webs.

Most spiders are very nearsighted. To make up for this, they use the hair on their body to feel their way around and to sense when other animals are near.

Webs get dirty and torn, so lots of spiders make a new one every day. They don't waste the old one, though--they roll it up into a ball and eat it!

Young spiders resemble adults. Only their size and coloration differ.

Male spiders are usually smaller than female spiders.

text by

House of Franz Kafka

In house No. 22 Franz Kafka lived for a short period and also wrote parts of his works.
A small inscription on the right shows his name.

You may walk the Golden Lane freely and without entrance fee after 04.00 p.m.
BUT all the shops will be closed then, and so you may see the buildings only from outside.

On the other hand, you are able to take pics with an almost empty street.

butterfly effect

The butterfly effect is a phrase that encapsulates the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory. Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system. This is sometimes presented as esoteric behavior, but can be exhibited by very simple systems: for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill might roll into any of several valleys depending on slight differences in initial position. Quantum chaos is the study of the butterfly effect in semiclassical physics and quantum mechanics.It is a common subject in fiction when presenting scenarios involving time travel and with "what if" scenarios where one storyline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes.

text : wikipedia

Beating up the Villai 打小人

Beating up the Villai 打小人, originally uploaded by gu@n.



Happy Halloween !

唔使怕怕, 好好玩的! Happy Halloween

Unlock Dancing Plaza
Holiday Party

here will be a Halloween Night at Youth Square from 5pm. to 8 pm on 31.10.2009 (Sat) in Youth Square.

Highlight of the programme is a make-up contest in which 3 categories of "ghost" will be awarded, namely "至盞鬼", "至Q小鬼" and "至嚇鬼". To participate in the contest, the participants have to register during 5:30pm to 6:30pm on that day at Youth Square. Photos would be taken and posted for public voting from 6:45pm to 7:15pm. A make-up booth would be arranged to help visitors for some free make-up, and limited costumes would be available on loan for photo-taking! The prize presentation would commence at 7:30pm. Each category will be giving out three prizes with a total of nine prizes.

Every visitor and participant who dressed up in Halloween costumes would receive free tickets at the counter from 5pm onwards for a movie session on a first-come-first-served. Details of the film show are as follow:

A performance by 不加鎖舞踊館, including hip hop dance, environmental dance and video projection would be organized at Y-Platform and Plaza.

For details, you may refer to the leaflet for the Halloween Night below.

Grateful if you would also extend the invitation to members of your organizations and friends.

See you tonight !

Happy Halloween !

Toilet 厕所

photo by gu@n



我吃 我睡 我玩
我呼吸 我存在 我排泄








平台計劃 製作
平台計劃 與 吉隆坡表演藝術中心 呈現

2009年5月20日 預演 8:30pm
2009年5月21至23日 8:30pm
2009年5月24日 3pm + 8:30pm

Pentas 2, the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre吉隆坡表演藝術中心
Jalan Strachan (off Jalan Ipoh), 51100 Kuala Lumpur

宣传影片 :
VOICE MEDIA interview

演員■淩秀眉 + 林保旭 + 陳彩珍 + 顏慧怡 + 余真華

1961年漢德克中學畢業,這時他有了非常明顯的文學偏好。在格拉茲大學讀書期間,漢德克加入格拉茲文壇所屬的“市立公園論壇”及“草 稿雜誌”,與一群志同道合的年輕作家相識,並因此得到發表新作的機會,踏出邁向文壇的第一步。1963年他發表了第一篇小說《大黃蜂》。該書由德國蘇坎出 版社出版,漢德克借著這次出書的機會,放棄了大學學業。1966年,漢德克開始他的文學事業。同年,因為妻子在杜市劇院得到演出機會,他與身為演員的妻子 一起離開格拉茲,前往德國的杜塞爾多夫。同年,他前往美國參加“四十七團”在普林斯頓的會議,以一篇聳人聽聞的文學批評引起批評家的注意,從此在文學界奠 定了基礎。


Co-Presented by Pentas Project and KLPac


Some text from Peter Handke’s play, Self-Accusation

I eat I sleep I play
I breathe I exist I excrete
I love you
with my soul as pure as shit

Dance + Theatre Performance, in Mandarin with English Surtitles

“I love you. I am small. My desire is in pain. My identity is vague. My soul is bursting. I judge myself. I leave you a clue. I am not me. I found you.”

The premiere of Untitled in 2003 received tremendous reviews. After 6 years, Pentas Project presents a new version of it which has been renamed Toilet - extracting the reality and imagination of everyday lives, audiences may discover their real selves as the cast criticize each other and go on about the insidious problems of our society. Through physical movements, sound, installation, lighting and speech Toilet will look into the map of desire hidden inside our hearts.

Date + Time:
Preview 20 May 2009 8:30pm
21~23 May 2009 8:30pm
24 May 2009 3pm + 8:30pm

Pentas 2, The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan (Off Jalan Ipoh), 51100 Kuala Lumpur

irector + Lighting Design■ Loh Kok Man
Cast■ Amy Len + Leng Poh Gee + Tin Tan + Berg Lee + Louise Yow
Original Installation Concept■ Chan Kok Hooi
Set Design■ Caecar Chong
Original Music■ Ng Chor Guan
Production Manager ■ Au Sow Yee

Towards different cities

san franciscofrankfurt am main

Pictures were taken in San Francisco (USA) and Frankfurt (Germany).



This photo was taken in Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) while i came back from Germany. It was a long q to do the check up in the early morning 6.15a.m.

葡式蛋撻! 我来也。。。

葡式蛋撻 portuguese egg tart

澳门著名食物- 葡式蛋撻 (瑪嘉烈蛋撻)

outer space

space tunnel

am i heading to somewhere ? 

somewhere i expected... 


somewhere somewhere somewhere in the future

回转寿司 kaiten-zushi

bangkok 2008

回転寿司  |  かいてんずし | kaiten-zushi





City Panorama

Kuala Lumpur Panorama
Kuala Lumpur Panorama

bangkok 2008
Bangkok Panorama

Hibiscus (Flower)


The five-petals, brilliant red Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis. Our National Flower - MALAYSIA.

Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis
Family: Malvaceae or Mallow family

Other Common Names
Bunga Raya, Kembang Sepatu, Bebaru and others according to species

Region of Origin
South China, hybrids developed in Florida & Hawaii (USA)

About Me

My photo
a composer sharing his vision of photography

message box

upcoming events

Film Screening
21/12/08 - 14:00 @ Annexe Gallery 4
All My Failed Attempts 
Shorts made by the award-winning filmmaker during the past year. Shown together for the first time.

Director : Tan Chui Mui
Music Composer : Ng Chor Guan

Runway Project 

28/11/08 - 14:00 
Malaysia International Fashion Week 2008 (M-IFW’08)
Eric Choong Solo Exhibition + Chor Guan NG music world premiere

28/11/08 - 20:00
Malaysia International Fashion Week 2008 - KL 6 Gala

fashion designer : Eric Choong
music composer : Chor Guan NG

Original Soundtrack (click to listen)

CHOR GUAN NG: R's Adventurous Drift (R仔漂流记) CHOR GUAN NG: Bokeh 琉璃色相  CHOR GUAN NG: Break-ing 击破 Ka Si Pe Cah  CHOR GUAN NG: Nutcracker (胡桃夹子)

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